Kurdish Lullaby


We are refugees on a long road
Our wounds go deep
We are thirsty and hungry in this wilderness
Old people, women and children
Hush hush hushaby 
You are the patience and calmness of my life
You’re growing weaker by the minute
And I can’t do anything about it
Like monsters spreading pain and destruction 
They attacked us with napalm
They covered our spring with darkness
Separating beloved souls
Hush hush hushaby 
You are the patience and calmness of my life
You’re growing weaker by the minute
And I can’t do anything about it
My darling, dearest son
This is how a day is wasted
This kind of death
Is too bitter and difficult
Hush hush hushaby 
You are the patience and calmness of my life
You’re growing weaker by the minute
And I can’t do anything about it

Based on a translation from Kurdish by Joanna Bocheńska

Kurdish lullaby, sang by Yousef Abdi Alhousini in refugee camps – Pireus and Skaramagas.